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How to Improve your CV so as to Pass through ATS and Get Interview Calls

So this is How to Improve your CV so as to Pass through ATS and Get Interview Calls, this should help you if you have been sending a high volume of Applications in response to Various Job Opportunities that you come across on a daily basis, either online or through other means but upon submitting your CV and Cover Letter as required by the respective Employer , you Simply do not get any response.

You first have to understand that these day Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are widely used by many Mid size to Large size recruiting Companies / Organizations to sift through the thousands to tens of thousands of CVs that they receive , once their Job Listings Go Viral and Trending. So Here’s how you can optimize your CV to beat the ATS and land that important Job interview at last:

i) Keywords are Key:

Identify relevant keywords from the job description. Include them throughout your CV, especially in your work experience and skills sections.
But be mindful, don’t stuff keywords unnaturally, write for both machine (ATS) and human Being ( The HR / Hiring Manager). If you do not know how to this properly find an expert and get them to look through both your CV and the Particular JD.

ii) Use a skills section:

List your key skills and competencies relevant to the job. This is a prime location for ATS to scan for relevant keywords, this will also likely be cross checked by the HR / Hiring Manager later on , if it passes the ATS Test that is.

iii) Format your CV for Scannability:
Always Keep it simple: Use a clear and easy-to-read font like Arial or Times New Roman. Avoid fancy modern fonts or any unnecessary decorative elements.

iv) Standard Headings:
Use common sectional headings like “Work Experience,” “Education,” and “Skills.” ATS can struggle with unconventional headings made using complex and uncommon vocabulary terms.

V) Make Use of Bullet Points
Bullet points are your friend, therefore Present your achievements and responsibilities in clear bullet points. This indeed does make it easier for the ATS to parse your experience.

Vi) Use Simple Formatting

   You should avoid fancy formatting: Steer clear of tables, charts, or images. ATS might not interpret them correctly and they will likely be read as gibberish , which will result on your CV getting thrown out by the ATS Machine/ Computer.

Additional General Tips on How to Improve your CV so as to Pass through ATS and Get Interview Calls:

i) Go through your CV , again and again , this means you should proofread it meticulously , eliminate all the Typos and grammatical errors as they can get your CV flagged by the ATS.

ii) Customize your CV every-time you Apply for a Particular Job Vacancy. This means you should tailor your CV and very importantly Do not use a generic CV. Adapt it to each job description, highlighting relevant skills and experiences, use the keywords as highlighted above on section 1 of this article.

iii) Consider a separate ATS friendly CV: While your human-readable CV can be more creative,  having a separate ATS friendly version can improve your chances of getting past the initial screening, this means that when you are sure that the organization that you are applying to is likely too small to be making use of an ATS , then use the Human – Readable / Human Attractive CV. But if you are applying to large organizations and Companies such as the UN and its Organizations, Vodacom, CRDB , NBC, NMB ,Coca Cola , TBL PLC , Tanzania Portland Cement and the likes then my Friend, use your ATS Friendly CV there, a fancy CV wont do the Trick.

Conclusion on How to Improve your CV so as to Pass through ATS and Get Interview Calls

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of getting your CV noticed by the human recruiter behind the ATS. Remember, a strong CV is only a first part of the job search equation. Keep refining your skills and practice your interviewing techniques to land your dream job.

Remember most of the organizations and Companies these days are Equal Opportunities Employers, their main focus is to improve efficiency and or Profitably of their Organization / Companies, therefore they will most likely hire who they think is the best candidate for the particular job Vacancy, they are more interested on how you will help them and not how they will help you. With this being the case stop playing the Victim card , since they do not know you in person, how represent yourself on paper in form of your CV matters and is the key factor, so at-least first beat the ATS but make sure your have also written you CV for the Eventual Human Reader ( HR or Hiring Manager. We at wish you the best in pursuit of your NO ( Next Opportunity 🙂 ) .