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A Simple Way to make a Rainbow at Home

Lets See A Simple Way to make a Rainbow at Home . When the light is divided into its seven colors—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet—a rainbow is created.
Occasionally known as “Roy G. Biv”

A Simple Way to make a Rainbow at Home

The light is typically divided up because it is going through a material that bends light.
The wavelengths of the various colors bend in different ways.

With all the other colors in between, red tends to bend the least, appearing at the top of the rainbow, while violet tends to bend the most, ending up at the bottom.

The majority of the time when we see a rainbow in the sky, the sun is normally behind us and is shining through millions of small droplets that are floating in the air and all of them are bending the light and projecting the rainbow.

A simple Way to make a Rainbow at Home , see the Simple Process below : =

  1. Gather supplies: white paper, a shallow dish, water, a flashlight, and a few drops of food coloring.
  2. Fill the shallow dish with water and add a few drops of food coloring.
  3. Place the white paper on a flat surface and position the flashlight so that it shines on the paper.
  4. Place the shallow dish with the colored water in front of the flashlight.
  5. Move the dish around until you see a rainbow on the paper.
  6. Enjoy your homemade rainbow!

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